Life has always been a pleasure for me. Even in the darkest days it has brought something bright for me.
With advance of age and time, I had opportunity to be in several roles. One of them was being student of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences. I spent my five and half years studying Veterinary medicine over there. I met several peoples from several areas of country. I even had chances to interact with some people from different countries.
Hanging out with friends around Rampur was a regular fun for us. Everybody had chances to participate in several extra co-curricular activities. Picnics and parties were the lives to that life. This picture was taken during a picnic event. The guitarist is Bikash brother. I had shared quite a long moments with him during those years. At present both of us are out of contact owing to our own circumstances. I love trying singing. Narayan Gopal had been all time hit for me. Recently, I haven't had such chances. That's why I always miss those days. Wish I could fly back in a blink to those wonderful times of my life.